Monday, December 29, 2008
Vun, Two, Three Peanut Butter Sandwiches
But mostly we were missing you. We hope this is the last Christmas we will spend away from our families. Despite getting to watch Miracle on 34th Street and Fred Flintstone's inspired portrayal of Scrooge, Christmas at a hotel just doesn't cut it.
Needless to say we are quite excited for Sandy's promised Christmas when we return--with spritz and peanut blossom cookies! Whoo hoo! The gingerbread cookies here are delicious though...Unfortunately this internet cafe is closing and I don't have time to do justice to Romania. I hope these pictures will give you a taste of what we're seeing. More about Dracula later!
Friday, December 19, 2008
Welcome to Europe
Your internal clock wakes you up at 6:00 am but there is no call to prayer.
None of the men have callouses on their foreheads.
Your Egg McMuffin isn't made with chicken sausage.
The menus have items such as Pork Knuckles.
There are "Juicy Ham and Honey" flavored Lays potato chips.
The useless city landmark changes from the mosque (because there is one on every corner) to the sex shop (because there is one on every corner).
You no longer overhear "Inshallah" (God willing) in every conversation.
There is good, cheap wine available in stores and restaurants.
The women have hair. (visibly)
People do not pay for public transport unless someone is enforcing it.
There is graffiti on the buildings.
There are more names available to men than Mohammed, Mahmoud, Abdul, Ahmet, and Mehmed.
Not too much to report from Bulgaria so far. When it's cloudy, it looks exactly like you would picture it (grey everywhere and 1950's style Soviet buildings), but it's beautiful when the sun comes out. We visited an amazing monestery near Sophia and went to a Polish folklore show. We're in Veliko Tarnovo for a couple days and then on to Bucharest!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
On to Europe!
Friday, December 5, 2008
A Turkish Bath
Bus travel in Trukey is very luxurious
The truth is, I'm not going to be able write about ruins as enthusiastically as Kim did about Troy, so instead I'll write about my first (and probably last) experience in a "Hamam," or Turkish bath.
Theatre at the Asclepion (Pergamon)
The Acropolis at Pergamon
Temple of Hadrian at the Acropolis
As I entered the building into a large reception area with several men drinking tea and watching TV, a man gave me a thin red-and-white checkered cloth and led me to a small room to change. The room was about 6 feet by 3 feet with a bench and some hooks to hang my clothes on. After undressing and wrapping the cloth around my waist a man led me to the bathing area. First, I walked through "the cold room." A room with a few toilets and showers and not much else. Next, into the steam room. It's a big octagonal room with a high domed ceiling. The room was ringed with bathing stations and also contained a traditional sauna. Into the sauna I went to work up a good sweat before the real fun started.
Kim's interpratation of an ancient statue
A man knocked on the sauna door. He was wearing the same type of cloth as I was. He was a skinny guy about 60 years old, bald, with a chest full of grey hair. He led me over to one of the bathing stations. It's just a little marble cubilcle with a faucet and a bucket. I sat down, and he got to work. He splashed me with some water, rubbed some soap on me, put on this glove thing, I think it was covered in 80-grit sandpaper, and proceeded to remove about 4 millimeters of my epidermis! I did my best to not show any signs of the pain, but I'm sure my face betrayed me. After a thorough soaping/shampooing/scrubbing it was time for the relaxing massage. He led me to the big marble stone in the middle of the room--I say "led" because my eyesight was M.I.A after all that soap.
Another rinse and it was over. I got a towel and a cup of tea and was back to my changing room to decide if I actually enjoyed it. The jury is still out, but I'm glad to have done it, and I've never been cleaner!
Monday, December 1, 2008
Turkısh Deeeeelıght
p.s. I stıll have not found the comma or apostrophe and tryıng to hıt the i ıs too much work for me. Sorry.